The most accurate, affordable, scalable, convenient

Lie Detection technology available today- in the palm of your hand on all apple android  mobile phones.

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Close-up of a human eye enhanced with futuristic digital overlays, depicting concepts of biometrics, cybersecurity, and advanced technology for lie detection

5 min read

The Future of Lie Detection: From Witch Trials to Apps for Truth Verification

The pursuit of truth is as old as human communication itself. Yet, the methods by which we discern truth from deception are evolving dramatically. As Alexis de Tocqueville once insightfully noted, 'When the past no longer illuminates the future, the...

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Classic golden balance scales of justice on a wooden table, symbolizing justice, with a blurred background of a cozy living room with a plush sofa and warm lighting

2 min read

Ethical Considerations in Lie Detection | Balancing Justice and Privacy in 2024

In the quest for truth, the ethics of lie detection technology take center stage. Privacy concerns, the importance of informed consent, and the...

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2 min read

What Can Lie Detectors Test For?

New breakthroughs in lie detection technology, like eye lie detector tests are creating pathways people can use to find the truth in their most...

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A distressed man with his head in his hands sitting on a bed facing away from a woman seated on the floor against a door, both appearing upset, highlighting relationship challenges.

2 min read

What are lie detection tests good for?

Lie detection tests, such as those offered by EyeCanKnow, are pivotal in discerning truth from deception in various situations, including infidelity...

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2 min read

What does it feel like to find out the truth?

“People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I’ve learned is that a lie is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one’s...

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The Power of Lie Detection in Rebuilding Trust

3 min read

Restoring Relationships: The Power of Lie Detection in Rebuilding Trust

“The truth will set you free.” - David Foster Wallace

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truth quests episode 1

1 min read

What truth feels like

ABSTRACT If you have recently learned the truth, or are thinking about what it may feel like to find the truth, you most likely have a critical...

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digital truth assessment technology

4 min read

Proven accuracy of digital truth assessment technology

INTRODUCTION EyeCanKnow’s customer-facing lie detection product is the most accurate available today which is specifically adapted to be used on...

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