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What Can Lie Detectors Test For?

What Can Lie Detectors Test For?

New breakthroughs in lie detection technology, like eye lie detector tests are creating pathways people can use to find the truth in their most personal relationships. From fidelity to drug abuse and theft to gambling, these new technologies, driven by AI and machine learning algorithms, promise more consistent and accurate ways to determine the truth of people’s behavior.

The Alarming Rise of Workplace Substance Abuse 

Did you know that according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 15-17% of employees misuse substances at work? But what’s scarier is that the unintentional overdoses at work rose for the ninth consecutive year in 2021. 

Drugs Related Workplace Death 2011-21

How does one put a stop to these rising numbers? Lie detector tests for drugs at work can be a good place to start. 

New digital technologies are very good at determining whether people are telling the truth about actions, behaviors, and events. 

While the promises are grand and there are significant advancements in lie detection tests, there are limits to what technology can do. Modern digital lie detectors excel in verifying factual statements about actions, behaviors, and events, but they falter when it comes to discerning feelings, intentions, or desires. 

Fidelity and Trust: The Role of Lie Detection in Relationships

Let’s look at a fidelity example. If I wanted to determine whether my fiance had been faithful to me during our engagement, I could ask that question because it’s a behavior. If any infidelity had taken place, it could be discovered. However, if I wanted to know if my fiance still loves me or never has any second thoughts about our relationship, a lie detector test cannot determine this.

The Dilemma of Measuring Feelings and Intentions

Digital lie detectors cannot discover feelings because feelings are undefinable. When does someone love someone else? How do we know what someone’s intentions are? To what level does an idea have to rise before it’s an intention? The truth is that we often don’t know what we’re feeling or that our feelings change at any given time. Is there anyone who hasn’t one day been deeply in love with a partner and the next wants to run as far away as possible?

Using new technologies like EyeCanKnow can provide tremendous advancements in lie detection. But to get the most out of these new technologies, the right questions need to be asked.


Common Questions People Ask About EyeCanKnow’s Lie Detection Tests

How accurate are lie detection tests?

In a controlled environment, EyeCanKnow's technology is 90%+ accurate. When used on a mobile phone, the technology is 80%+ accurate.

What are EyeCanKnow lie detectors used for?

EyeCanKnow can test for anything related to past actions, behaviors, and events. They are NOT knowledge-based tests. Actions or behaviors should be concrete and easily defined. Tests should focus on actions or behaviors of most concern.EyeCanKnow offers 6 pre-built test templates, including online fidelity tests and lie detection tests for drugs, alcohol, pornography, gambling, and theft tests that can be customized to you. 

For a more robust and personalized test, we recommend TruthQuest™- a fully personalized test with up to two questions unique to your situation. 

How long does an EyeCanKnow Lie Detection Test take?

Each test will require approximately 15 minutes to complete and 15 minutes to securely score.

What are lie detection tests good for?

What are lie detection tests good for?

Lie detection tests, such as those offered by EyeCanKnow, are pivotal in discerning truth from deception in various situations, including infidelity...

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Proven accuracy of digital truth assessment technology

Proven accuracy of digital truth assessment technology

INTRODUCTION EyeCanKnow’s customer-facing lie detection product is the most accurate available today...

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