Using Lie Detection Tech to Test for Drug Use?

A key advantage of our testing approach, compared to traditional urine-based drug tests, is our flexibility to test for an extensive range of substances based on specific needs. Rather than including each drug individually within the test itself, we define the targeted substances within the test instructions. This adaptability allows us to tailor the list of substances, making it broader, more focused, or segmented into three separate categories, each targeting a unique set of drugs. We also offer alcohol testing as part of this service.  The instructions for our standard drug test are provided below. 

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We recently received a great question from one of our EyeCanKnow partners who administers drug tests: “Can all 12 panels be questioned for truth?”

This provides a perfect opportunity to clarify how EyeCanKnow tests work to verify truthfulness regarding drug use.

A key advantage of our testing approach, compared to traditional urine-based drug tests, is our flexibility to test for an extensive range of substances based on specific needs. Rather than including each drug individually within the test itself, we define the targeted substances within the test instructions. This adaptability allows us to tailor the list of substances, making it broader, more focused, or segmented into three separate categories, each targeting a unique set of drugs. We also offer alcohol testing as part of this service.  The instructions for our standard drug test are provided below. 

Test instructions include:

The test will ask if you used illegal drugs in the last 5 years.

In this test, any illegal drug includes using marijuana where its use is illegal, marijuana derivatives, cocaine, crack, MDMA or ecstasy, GHB, Rohypnol, hallucinogens, heroin, inhalants, ketamine, meth, amphetamines, opiates, tranquilizers, or aerosols.

It also refers to using prescription drugs to get high.

Additionally, we can assess substance use within any specified timeframe. The example test included here inquires about drug use over the last five years. However, we can customize this to focus on usage within a day, during a particular event, over the past week, month, year, or even a lifetime history of illegal substance use.

To further illustrate how a test works, below are examples of the True/False statements presented in a drug test.  An actual test presents 60-80 True/False statements over 10-15 minutes. 


Examples of statements are below:

As to using illegal drugs in the last 5 years, I have not.

With respect to using illegal drugs in the last 5 years, I never have.

Concerning using illegal drugs in the last 5 years, I have.

On the topic of using illegal drugs in the last 5 years, I did


Our tests are most commonly used as a pre-screening tool in the hiring process for government roles, including positions in law enforcement, firefighting, and federal employment. In fact, our technology is implemented across 28 governments worldwide, many of which use it for pre-employment screening and include a question on drug use.

The key advantage of using Ocular Motor Deception Testing (ODT) for drug screening is its ability to assess a person's memory of drug or alcohol use, unaffected by physical countermeasures that might skew results. This approach also frees our tests from a limited drug detection window and removes restrictions on the number of drugs detected, unlike standard urine-based tests (e.g., 5, 10, or 12-panel tests). Our tests can screen for all illegal drugs, alcohol, and unauthorized prescription medications, providing a comprehensive and reliable alternative.

To summarize, the key benefits for ODT in drug testing:

  • No urine samples are needed
  • Longer timeframe for drug screening permitted
  • More drugs can be included for testing
  • No false positive results based on urine sample
  • Alcohol may be included in the test
  • It's faster delivery time, with 15 minutes to take a test and 15 minutes to receive results

We recommend considering using ODT to enhance and add to drug testing's (specifically UA) effectiveness by improving accuracy, increasing flexibility, encouraging privacy, reducing costs, and creating better and more data. 

For more information on different types of drug testing or on the opportunities to change the way UA is used in substance abuse rehabilitation feel free to visit our blog page and don’t forget to comment below!  We are eager to learn from others in the space and continue our education process.