
Rebuild Trust with Compassion: How Lie Detection Can Mend Relationships

Written by Matthew Koerner, MBA | Apr 8, 2024 10:05:10 PM

The truth will set you free.” - David Foster Wallace


In this article, we'll talk about the power of lie detection to rebuild trust. First, we need to understand what lie detection involves. It's not just about polygraph tests; it's about assessing verbal and non-verbal cues to determine truthfulness. The process itself is steeped in psychology, focusing on physiological responses like heart rate, blood pressure, and skin conductivity. Beyond the more technical aspects, lie detection can aid in motivating change, it can shift behavior and improve our interpersonal relationships.


Lie Detection as a Habit-Correcting Tool

Lie detection can serve as a powerful habit-correcting tool in relationships. When individuals know their truthfulness may be verified, they are more likely to adhere to honest behaviors. This awareness can gradually transform into a habit of integrity. Over time, the practice of being truthful becomes ingrained, reducing the impulse to deceive. 

The lie detector's role isn't just to catch dishonesty in the moment but to foster a longer-term commitment to honesty. This transformation can lead to a more transparent and trusting relationship, where both parties feel secure knowing they are engaging in open and honest communication.


Reflecting on Actions and Personality

Engaging with lie detection processes can encourage individuals to reflect deeply on their actions and underlying personality traits. This reflection can be a catalyst for personal growth and development. For instance, if someone is consistently tempted to lie about specific issues, the prospect of lie detection can prompt them to consider why they feel the need to be dishonest in these areas. Is it fear of conflict, a desire to appear in a better light, or another reason? This introspection can lead to a better understanding of oneself, which is crucial for personal growth and improving interpersonal relationships.


Should You Take A Lie Detector Test to Rebuild Trust?

It's crucial to recognize that the benefits of lie detection tools can only be realized in a context where such tests are mutually agreed upon, conducted ethically, and interpreted with caution. The tests should not replace the essential relational work of building trust through consistent, honest behavior and communication.

 Here are some points in favor of using lie detection tests to rebuild trust:

  1. Verification Tool: Lie detector tests can verify truthfulness in situations where the facts are disputed. When both parties agree to use the test and it is conducted professionally, the results can clarify misunderstandings and provide a basis for rebuilding trust.
  2. Deterrence of Deception: The mere possibility of undergoing a lie detector test can deter dishonest behavior. Knowing that one might be subjected to such a test could encourage individuals to be more truthful.
  3. Resolution of Doubts: In cases where persistent doubt damages a relationship, a lie detector test might provide a way to resolve these doubts. Suppose the accused party is willing and passes the test. In that case, it can alleviate suspicions and restore trust.
  4. Facilitation of Dialogue: The process of considering and possibly undergoing a lie detection test can open up channels of communication. It can prompt discussions about trust, honesty, and what steps are necessary to rebuild the relationship.
  5. Psychological Closure: For some, the results from a lie detection test can provide a form of closure or finality to ongoing trust issues. This could be a step towards healing and rebuilding the relationship, assuming the results are accepted by all parties involved.

The Psychology of Lie Detector Tests

From a psychological perspective, lie detection tests can influence behavior and cognition. Knowing that one's truthfulness could be objectively assessed may lead to a psychological state known as the "observer effect" — the awareness of being observed can alter one's behavior. This heightened accountability can make individuals more conscious of their actions and decisions, promoting a more honest and transparent way of interacting. Additionally, the process of undergoing a lie detection test can be an experience that leads to self-discovery, helping individuals to confront and address their fears and insecurities.


How to Trust Someone Again After They Hurt You?

Rebuilding trust after being hurt is a process that requires time, patience, and effort from both parties involved. When used responsibly and ethically, lie detection tools can be valuable in rebuilding trust. They are not a magic solution but a facilitator for honesty, communication, and self-awareness. As we navigate our relationships, let's remember the power of these tools to detect truth and encourage it, enhancing the bond of trust that forms the foundation of all healthy relationships.

Are you curious about the power of lie-detection tools? If you’re looking for a lie detection app, online lie detector tests, or an accurate lie detection test software, EyeCanKnow is the #1 most trusted solution available today. 


How Does EyeCanKnow Work?

EyeCanKnow uses a mobile device to present a series of standardized questions while the device camera measures and records pupil dilation and other eye behaviors. The mobile device tracks the examinee's response times, error rates, and timeouts (non-responses) to determine the examinee's Credibility Score.

An EyeCanKnow Credibility Score is calculated by patented computer algorithms, which consider various eye responses and reading behaviors to generate the score.This results in consistently higher accuracy than human interpretation used in older technologies.

EyeCanKnow credibility scores range between 0% and 100%. A score above 50% indicates the subject reacted truthfully, while a score below 50% suggests the subject reacted deceptively.


Common Questions People Ask About At-Home Lie Detection Tests

Is there a lie-detection app to test my partner?

EyeCanKnow is designed for Apple and Android phones; this is the only way to take an EyeCanKnow test.

How accurate is an online lie detection test?

Polygraphs have shown typical accuracy of 65-75%. However, this depends greatly on the skill of the test administrator and other variablemisleading physiological and psychological factors. In a controlled environment, EyeCanKnow's technology is 90%+ accurate.

When used on a mobile phone, the technology is 80%+ accurate.

What is the best lie detection technology?

No lie detection test is 100% accurate, however, EyeCanKnow is built on technology that uses ocular motor recognition and analysis- and is recognized by leading experts in digital lie detection as the gold standard.